Dobrodosli u

Bella je predivan izbor za porodice koje žele uživati u relaksaciji uz more. Smješten je blizu Slovenske plaže, samo nekoliko minuta hoda od centra Budve. Idealno je mjesto za one koji traže ugodan boravak uz more sa cijelom porodicom.

Provjerite nase ponudeBukiraj

Umjetnost uzivanja

Porodican hotel smješten blizu plaže u Budvi, samo nekoliko minuta hoda od Slovenske plaže i Becića. Hotel nudi prostrane, čiste sobe, izvanredne opcije doručka i praktican parking. U blizini hotela se nalazi nekoliko popularnih plaža, uključujući Mogren, Ričardovu glavu i Pizanu. Stari grad Budva je udaljen oko 1.5 kilometara. Ovaj istorijski grad je poznat po svojim zidinama i kulturno-istorijskim znamenitostima, te je idealno mjesto za šetnje i uživanje u istoriji.

Provjerite nase ponudeBukiraj

Jedinstvena lokacija,

Plaže u blizini Budve poznate su po svojoj izvanrednoj prirodnoj ljepoti i čarobnom okruženju. One privlače posetioce iz cijelog svijeta svojim kristalno čistim morem, finim pijeskom i zadivljujućim pogledom.Bez obzira da li tražite mirno mjesto za opuštanje ili živahnu atmosferu sa brojnim sadržajima, plaže u blizini Budve će vam omogućiti nezaboravan doživljaj prirodne ljepote Crnogorskog primorja.

Provjerite nase ponudeBukiraj


    Sobe & Apartmani

    If you chose to stay with us you will enjoy modern home comforts in a traditional setting. Whether you are looking for a short weekend break or a longer holiday, we offer a range of packages that will cater for all.

    Room features


    Double Room

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer mollis viverra diam ac ornare. Donec rhoncus nisi in felis congue, at pulvinar nibh dapibus.


    $59 / night

    Room features


    Junior Suite

    Sed sodales tortor non metus iaculis, non commodo ipsum mattis. Ut at dolor elit. Proin dignissim, lacus eget ullamcorper consectetur, mauris mi mattis elit sagittis.


    $59 / night

    Room features


    Double Room

    Mauris suscipit lectus pellentesque ante efficitur, at dignissim tellus maximus. Sed leo magna, faucibus non ante non, pulvinar scelerisque magna sit elis.


    $59 / night

    Room features


    Family Room

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer mollis viverra diam ac ornare. Donec rhoncus nisi in felis congue, at pulvinar nibh dapibus.


    $59 / night


    Offers & Deals

    If you chose to stay with us you will enjoy modern home comforts in a traditional setting. Whether you are looking for a short weekend break or a longer holiday, we offer a range of packages that we think cater for all.

    Get together

    Family vacation

    Get together

    Family vacation

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer mollis viverra diam ac ornare. Donec rhoncus nisi in felis congue, at pulvinar nibh dapibus.


    $59 / night


    Newlyweds weekend


    Newlyweds weekend

    Sed ut metus eu neque commodo fringilla imperdiet sed nibh. Sed volutpat fermentum ligula, et maximus ex ultricies sit amet.


    $59 / night


    Lazy weekend


    Lazy weekend

    Phasellus non bibendum augue. Duis nibh felis, volutpat vitae pulvinar at, tincidunt eget mi. Donec venenatis condimentum fermentum.


    $59 / night


    Phasellus blandit a massa vitae congue. Nam ex massa, mattis ut sapien sit amet, consequat sodales risus. Sed interdum, ligula et lobortis faucibus, sem sem placerat augue, eget scelerisque turpis lorem et tellus.

    Beach Voleyball

    Beach volleyball is ouy visitors favourite sport, highly enjoyable for everyone young or old. Just gather your team on the beach and find the opponents in a matter of minutes. And show what you can do, be a winner!
    Enjoy the game

    Beach voleyball

    Enjoy the beach

    Horseback riding

    How about a lazy afternoon with your friends on a hors, while the sun goes down? If you want to chill out, our horse riding team will teach you in a matter of minutes and help you wind down after a good day on the sun.
    Enjoy the beach

    Horseback riding

    Enjoy the sea


    If you are a big fan of water sports, then why not try the waterskiing or waterboarding? At hotel California you will find there’s an amateur champoionship every year. Rated as the most fun activity by our visitors.
    Enjoy the sea


    Enjoy the sky


    Enjoy the thrill on the sky with our parasailing team and feel the California sun on your face. The team will help you get your adrenaline high and will be capuring your moments on a high-definition camera.
    Enjoy the sky


    June 2016

    Alan Jones

    If you chose to stay with us you will enjoy modern home comforts in a traditional setting. Whether you are looking for a short weekend break or a longer holiday, we offer a range of packages that we think cater for all.

    July 2016

    Adrianne White

    If you chose to stay with us you will enjoy modern home comforts in a traditional setting. Whether you are looking for a short weekend break or a longer holiday, we offer a range of packages that we think cater for all.

    August 2016

    Jenna & Mike

    If you chose to stay with us you will enjoy modern home comforts in a traditional setting. Whether you are looking for a short weekend break or a longer holiday, we offer a range of packages that we think cater for all.


    Hotel California

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer mollis viverra diam ac ornare. Donec rhoncus nisi in felis congue, at pulvinar nibh dapibus.


    3216 W Highland Boulevard
    San Diego, California



    News & Blog

    Morbi pharetra faucibus purus, nec pretium enim luctus quis. Pellentesque aliquet venenatis ante, quis pretium neque tristique eget. Integer in luctus urna. Aenean rutrum sodales pharetra.

    February 7, 2016

    New family rooms

    Curabitur consequat id lorem ac feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec blandit, tellus vitae volutpat consequat, sapien ex congue dui.

    February 18, 2025

    Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

    February 15, 2016

    Main pool reopened

    Aliquam eget efficitur dui. Praesent eget sollicitudin lectus, eu suscipit ex. Morbi non est in lorem luctus aliquet. Ut imperdiet eget velit eu vehicula.

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